Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 16

I just wanted to update the blog to let you all know I think I can feel the baby moving. It's subtle but it feels like a little flutter of movement. Not quite full on butterfly feel but movement of some sort. It sure makes this all so real to me! I just wish Lanny could feel it...he will soon enough I guess. We are scheduled for a sonogram on the 28th to find out the sex of the baby and I am really excited to find out what we are having. One of our friends told us we needed to make our guess before we go in to find out so I asked Lanny what he thought we were having and he said "girl" I agreed with him...I am guessing it's a girl because I keep having dreams about a sweet little baby girl with a somewhat balded head and chubby cheeks. We will be happy with whatever God gives us but it's fun to make a what is your prediction. Check out the poll I've created and let your voice be heard!!


Donna said...

I'll vote! My guess is girl!

Anonymous said...

Been wondering about you even though it's not been long since I saw & talked to you! Glad you're doing great! Looking forward to your blogs keeping everyone updated. Girls are fun....but you'll spend WAY more money on dressing them!!

B and V Leonard said...

How can you not vote girl?! I miss you so much and I'm praying for you!! love, V

Anonymous said...

Poor Lanny:)

Anonymous said...

I had a dream the other night that you were having a boy!! So that's my vote!

Anonymous said...

Congrats again to the two of you! Pregnancy is such a wonderful experience. I was excited to read that you are seeing Dr. Lopez. She is my doctor and delivered Drazek. She is so nice and DJ and I have been very happy with her. Get used to sitting in the waiting room though. She is one busy lady!

Lynnette said...

I think you're having a boy but I would LOVE it if you had a girl :-) Reighna votes gurrrl too :-)

Love, Aunt Lynnette

Unknown said...

I'm thinking boy-just because I want to see you and Lanny teach him to throw a football! :-)

Krystal said...

I just found your blog from the link on Justin and Donna's blog - I hadn't heard the news, but CONGRATS and I am really really happy for you both! God bless.
Krystal (Proctor) Maples

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