Monday, July 28, 2008

2nd Sonogram

Well, we had our 2nd sonogram and we got to see the baby from just about every angle but the most important one...we still don't know what the baby's sex is yet!! That little booger wouldn't move it's legs. It's a big bummer because we really wanted to know what it is...guess the baby has other plans. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow so hopefully she will give us good news on how the baby is developing. Everything looked good to us but what do we know! We got to see the brain, kidneys, heart, legs, arms and a little bit of a profile but the baby wasn't in the best position, he or she was breech, so it was hard to really see it's face.

Based on the measurements of the sonogram the baby is 10 oz. and they changed the due date to December 24th, which makes me just laugh!! Poor kid! Oh well, we will sure make the baby's birthday a BIG deal no matter when it's born.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 16

I just wanted to update the blog to let you all know I think I can feel the baby moving. It's subtle but it feels like a little flutter of movement. Not quite full on butterfly feel but movement of some sort. It sure makes this all so real to me! I just wish Lanny could feel it...he will soon enough I guess. We are scheduled for a sonogram on the 28th to find out the sex of the baby and I am really excited to find out what we are having. One of our friends told us we needed to make our guess before we go in to find out so I asked Lanny what he thought we were having and he said "girl" I agreed with him...I am guessing it's a girl because I keep having dreams about a sweet little baby girl with a somewhat balded head and chubby cheeks. We will be happy with whatever God gives us but it's fun to make a what is your prediction. Check out the poll I've created and let your voice be heard!!

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