Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Birthday?!?

Thursday, April 17th

Lanny's birthday is today and it's also the day I took 2, yes 2 pregnancy tests. I had already taken one on Sunday but the line was so light I thought maybe I peed on it too much, crazy I know. So on Lanny's birthday while he was at a business dinner I went out and got a digital pregnancy test so those crazy blue lines wouldn't confuse me any more.

Anyone who knows me knows I have been waiting for this moment for about 4 years, if not my whole life! So I wanted to make completely sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me! It seemed like an eternity for that little gray screen to pop up with the word PREGNANT and I was so excited. I already knew exactly how I was going to tell Lanny. I had purchased a cute book title 101 Secrets A Good Dad Knows by Walter Browder & Sue Ellin Browder. I wrote sweet things in it for him and wrapped it up like it was one of his b-day presents.

He called me on his way home from the business dinner and he knew I was going to take the test but I was just praying that he wouldn't ask me anything about it and luckily he didn't. Once he got home I told him he had two presents left to open for his b-day. He was suprised that he had two gifts because I had already given him a piece of the old KU floor and he knew he still hadn't opened his sisters gift so I told him to open that first. He did and really liked the KU magazines they got him. Then he opened the book and looked at the cover, opened it up and read it. It was fun to watch him read it because he just kept smiling and laughing his nervous laugh. He then walked over to me and sat down, kissed me and said, "Well, what have we gotten ourselves into here?". I said, " I don't know but I bet it's going to be really fun!". Then we just sat there for a while in silence watching a movie.

Once we went to bed we started talking about how and when we should tell everyone. Which room in the house would be the baby's room and all the things I assume parents to be discuss after finding out news like ours.


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